AI for UX: The Latest AI Tools for UX Research and Product Discovery

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly transforming user experience (UX) research.  “AI for UX,” is a space to consider the future of UX research with AI, brought to you by Brilliant.

Join Brilliant on YouTube as we interview leaders and founders of some of the most popular UX research tools.  Go beyond the AI hype as we do a deep dive and show you how the latest AI innovations will benefit you, gain insights on where the tools are headed next, and get a rare glimpse into how leaders in the field believe your role and research approach will evolve in the advent of AI-enhanced tools.

An Exploration of Emerging AI Tools for UX Research

Here are some of the leaders and AI tools for UX research we have featured so far:

Watch the AI 4 UX Video Interview Series

Join our e-newsletter or subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest, and check out our new series — AI vs. Human: A User Research Showdown — for more insights.

Brief note: We at Brilliant wanted to learn and keep up ourselves while creating a series you can trust.  We want you to know that Brilliant pays full price for all tools we engage, and no parties are getting paid.  This is neutral information designed to help us all to learn together.


Make UX Research Faster with AI | Interview with Max Fergus, UserCue


The Six Minds of User Experience